
He Tuinga Aroha

He Tuinga Aroha is a campaign for rangatahi Māori and their whānau, highlighting the protective benefits of strong communication within families.

He Tuinga Aroha, meaning the weaving of love, signifies the weaving together of the different perspectives of Mum & Daughter in this beautifully told story. It also speaks to the love and care that has gone into the process by many parties involved in this work. He Tuinga Aroha has a double meaning, also meaning Tui the songbird. This is wordplay of the name Manutioriori, which means songbird and is also the name of the rangatahi who has shared her kōrero with us.

In the videos, Manutioriori and her mum Georgina share their experience as Manutioriori navigates her mental wellbeing. The aspiration of this work is to show others what this journey might authentically look like and to encourage others to strengthen their whānau connections as a protective barrier for whatever life might throw at you.

This campaign is part of our commitment to the Youth Plan, and the Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy.

Key Messages

Talking to someone about what’s going on for you can be difficult but it can help
When you’re feeling down, it might feel easier to push those feelings away. But you don’t have to deal with them alone. There are people and organisations who care and will listen
There’s no such thing as being a perfect parent. Parents are learning everyday as much as their kids
Mental health support varies, depending on what is needed, but there is the right support for you out there

Campaign channels


The audience for this campaign is rangatahi Māori and their whānau. In particular, those who are themselves or may have family experiencing mental distress.


Help spread the word

Resources are available for community organisations and others to promote the He Tuinga Aroha campaign in local communities.