Introducing Kupe, our data explorer

19 Dec 2018

Te Hiringa Hauora/Health Promotion Agency is pleased to announce the launch of Kupe, our new data explorer (

Kupe lets you explore results from our 2012, 2014 and 2016 Health and Lifestyles Surveys (HLS) about New Zealanders' views and experiences across topics such as alcohol, gambling, tobacco, nutrition, Māori cultural identity, mental health & wellbeing, and sun exposure. Data from the 2018 HLS will be available on Kupe in early 2019.

We would like to thank the people who gave their valuable time to participate in the HLS, the interviewers collecting the data, and those who helped with user-testing Kupe.

The website was developed by EPI-interactive and Te Hiringa Hauora, using insights shared from the Ministry of Health Annual Data Explorer website.

We invite you to take a look at Kupe, and share with any colleagues who may be interested. Visit

Any feedback or questions on Kupe can be emailed to